Hello adventure friends! Today we, again, discuss one of our passion projects: Adventure Tourism Expeditions that Are Inclusive and Accesible!
Back in March of 2016 we had the honor of organizing the first expedition for people with disabilities in Chile, alongside U-Turn, in our lovely Región de los Lagos.
It was a smashing hit!
Every day the 25-person group had to face different challenges: camping for 17 days, walk or paddle an average of 10 km per day, etc. They went around Chiloé, Puerto Varas, the Reloncaví estuary , and Puelo Valley.
You may wonder what we were hoping (and managed) to achieve:
We wanted people with different impairments to help each other out. So we encouraged team work to achieve the goals by taking advance of each other's strengths.
We also wanted to show the local volunteers and community how important inclusion is in tourism, and how easily it can be achieved with a bit of wit and effort.
We really thank the Belgian non-profit Project U-Turn for making us part of their great effort around the world. They prepare the participants, bring the necessary specialized gear and helped teach us that: You can go beyond limits!
So now adventure friends, stay tuned, because in March 2018 we will be doing this again!!